Monday, February 06, 2006

Fish may safely drink

The publishing event of the century is imminent. Zombies are being despatched to the capitals of the world to seize control of bookshops and government buildings. Do not adjust your sets. We will control the vertical, we will control the horizontal. Resistance is futile. You will read "Fish Drink Like Us", the most shagnificent volume of fiction since the Bible.

And when you are satiated beyond pleasure nearly to death, you will still crave more. And ye (yes ye) shall have more, even to the zenith of ecstasy with such a superfluity of indescribably exquisite poetry that it defies this spatchcock system of wordles entirely, and demands a tome of its own, and it shall have a tome of its own, an thology of poetriloquism. Hear ye, hear ye! Hear ye?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are we talking two books here? do tell.