Thursday, March 04, 2004

Special Report

Barnaby Rutthlebone here, reporting live from nightclub 2Zoos. The commotion is very commotive here as I stand before a thong of women clamoring for...well I can't make out who it is. I can barely hear above the wild shriek-like sounds emanating from perfectly perky lips but I believe the DJ is making an announcement. My sources did tell me that J. Tyler Blue was making an appearance tonight and I fully expect him to appear from the giant cake in the middle of the dance floor. Wait, something's happening. The women are going crazy now. Completely berserk. I can't see. I can't verify if it is indeed J. Tyler Blue coming out of the cake. I've made my way to the front of the crowd now. Oh my! It's J. Tylue Blue and Bloog Mandrake. The thong of women here are chanting Blueg Blueg Blueg. It's pandemonium.

filed by
Barnaby Rutthlebone